
„Olen inimene. Olen valgevenelane. Olen lahke. Olen tark ja oluline. Olen väärtuslik,“ ütleb Alena.
Alena elab sügava depressiooniga ning see on raske, ehkki ta ütleb, et vaimne tervishoid on Eestis teistsugune ja palju parem kui Valgevenes. Tal on Valgevenes haiglas viibimisest palju traumaatilisi mälestusi. Peale depressiooni põeb Alena kesknärvisüsteemi haigust sclerosis multiplex’i, mis on Alenat palju õpetanud – ta ei kiirusta, ta võtab aega. Ta püüab elada hetkes, teadlikult ja täielikult.
Alena jaoks on suurim katsumus eemalolek oma lastest ja leppimine tõsiasjaga, et tal ei ole võimalik laste juurde koju naasta. Rääkides Valgevenest ja vabadusest, tsiteerib ta jumalasõna: „Ja te teate tõde ja tõde vabastab teid.“ (Johannese 8:32). Ukraina sõjast rääkimise asemel eelistab ta midagi teha Ukraina ja põgenike heaks.
‘I’m human. I am Belarusian. I’m kind. I’m smart and important. I’m valuable,’ says Alena.
Alena suffers from severe depression. It’s difficult for her, although she says that mental health care is different in Estonia, and much better compared to Belarus. She has many traumatic memories from her hospital stays in Belarus.
Apart from depression, Alena also suffers from multiple sclerosis which is a central nervous system disease. This disease has taught Alena a lot — she does not hurry; she takes her time. She tries to live in the moment, consciously and fully.
For Alena, the biggest challenge is staying away from her children and coming to terms with the fact that she is unable to return home to them. When it comes to the situation in Belarus and the topic of freedom, she quotes: ‘And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’ (John 8:32). Instead of discussing the war in Ukraine, she prefers to do something for Ukraine and for the refugees.
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