
Helen on veendunud, et iseseisvus on väga oluline. Seistes silmitsi väljavaatega jääda terveks eluks kinni vanematekoju ja pereliikmetest sõltuvaks, otsustas ta teadlikult hakata iseseisvumise suunas liikuma. Sel teel oli abi omandatud haridusest ja sotsiaalkorteri saamisest, millel oli küll aastatepikkune ootejärjekord.
Helen ütleb, et erivajadusega inimesel ei ole asja ainult arsti juurde ja ametiasutustesse: ta ei pea kõrvale jääma ühestki elu küljest, näiteks meelelahutusest ja romantilistest suhetest. Ka erivajadusega naine on alati ja eelkõige naine – kõigi oma soovide ning loomulike, teistega võrdsete vajadustega.
Helen töötab administraatorina, on kogemusnõustaja ning tema hobi on elektriratastoolihoki.
Helen is firm in her belief that independence is crucial. Facing the prospect of being dependent on her family members for the rest of her life and being stuck at her parents’ house, she made a conscious decision to move towards independence. There were certain aspects which contributed to her goal, such as her education and being granted social housing — although she had to wait for the latter for years.
Helen says that a person with disabilities, when it comes to getting out of their house, should not be limited to just doctor appointments and government agencies. They should not miss out on any aspect of life, including entertainment and romantic relationships. A woman with disabilities is always first and foremost a woman — with all her desires and natural, equal needs to others.
Helen works as an administrator and is a peer counsellor. Her hobby is electric wheelchair hockey.
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