
Liia elus on olulisel kohal paarisuhe, pere ja religioon. Liia ja tema mees Heiki on olnud koos üle 30 aasta, neil on kolm last.
Liia naudib ja väärtustab erivajadusega inimeste seltskonda, sest raskete üleelamiste kiuste on need inimesed sageli kõige positiivsema ellusuhtumisega ning Liiale istub hästi ka üksteise tögamisega kaasas käiv must huumor.
Liia on õppinud õmblejaks, kuid pidanud loobuma erialasest tööst õmblusfirmades, kuna töö kiirusele seatud normid ja nõudmised ei ole talle kohased. Vaatamata sellele õmbleb ta kodus lastele ja tuttavatele kergeid rõivaid, meisterdab õnnitluskaarte, maalib – looming on midagi, mis toob igapäevaellu helgeid hetki.
„Minu sees on rõõm, ilma selleta ei saaks elada. Rõõm Issandas on minu tugevus. Kui ma olen Tema juures, siis on kõik võimalik,“ lausub Liia.
To Liia, her relationship, family, and religion are of central importance. Liia and her partner Heiki have been together for over 30 years, and they have three children.
Liia enjoys and values the company of other people with disabilities because, despite the difficulties they face, they often have the most positive outlook on life. Liia also appreciates the dark humour and teasing which is common within the disabled community.
Liia studied to be a seamstress, but had to give up her professional work in sewing companies because the speed requirements and demands were not suitable for her. Nevertheless, she sews light clothing for children and acquaintances at home, crafts greeting cards, and paints creativity is something that brings bright moments to everyday life.
‘Joy is within me, I couldn’t live without it. Joy in the Lord is my strength. When I am with Him, anything is possible,’ says Liia.
Galerii / Gallery

