
Maare on üle elanud raske tuleõnnetuse, kus ligi 40% tema nahapinnast sai kahjustada. Palju aastaid peitis ta end armide tõttu näol ja kehal toaseinte vahele, ent nüüd peab end eriliste inimeste saadikuks. Mõnel päeval on ta oma välimusega rahu sõlminud ja mõnel päeval mitte nii väga. See on endiselt lahing, ükskõik kui palju aastaid on õnnetusest möödunud.
Mõnikord küsitakse Maarelt, kas ta tahab veel läbi teha operatsioone oma naha parandamiseks, ning siis vastab naine, et kui ta võtabki mõne protseduuri ette, siis teeb seda hoopis enesearmastusest ja soovist olla iga päev iseenda parim versioon, mitte selle tõttu, et vihkab oma peegelpilti. Välimusest olulisemaks peab ta enesearengut ja loodab, et ka ühiskonna vaade ilule jätkab avardumist.
Maare elab Austraalias, kus on tema jaoks avatum ja muretum ühiskond.
Maare has survived a serious fire accident that left almost 40% of her skin damaged.
For many years, she hid from the world, ashamed of her scars and afraid of what people would think. But now, she sees herself as an ambassador for those who are different. On some days, she has made peace with her appearance, while on others, it is still a struggle. No matter how many years have passed since the accident, she still faces challenges.
Maare is sometimes asked if she plans to undergo more surgeries to improve her skin condition. Her response is that if she decides to go through any procedure, it is
because of self-love and the desire to be the best version of herself, not because she hates the way she looks in the mirror. She believes that self-development is more important than physical appearance, and hopes that society will continue to broaden its view of beauty standards.
Maare now lives in Australia, where she finds the society to be more open and accepting.
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