
„See on fakt, et elu lõpus on surm,“ ütleb Maris. „Piinlemine mõne haiguse tõttu on tänapäeval inimsusevastane kuritegu. Pooldan eutanaasiat ka minu diagnoosiga inimestel.“ Maris pooldab õigust väärikalt surra. Maris põeb geneetilist haigust neurofibramatoosi, mis hakkas intensiivistuma puberteedieas, mõjutades tema elukvaliteeti ja enesehinnangut.
Kui Maris saaks ühe päeva olla keegi teine, siis oleks ta superilus naine, supermodell, kogedes elu terves ja ilusas kehas, ilma valude ja muremõteteta. Maris kahtleb ka oma partneri sõnades, kui see ütleb, et ta on ilus ja kena.
“Kui ma maailmas saaksin rohkem õiglust näha,
võiksin riietuda kasvõi lumivalgesse,
aga kuniks maailm jätkab oma sünget teekonda,
siis on minu ümber süsimust öö ja rüü on süsimust.”
It’s a fact that life ends in death,’ Maris says. ‘Suffering from a disease is a crime against humanity nowadays. I also support euthanasia as an option for people with my diagnosis.’ Maris advocates for the right to die with dignity.
Maris suffers from a genetic disease called neurofibromatosis, which began to intensify during her puberty, affecting her quality of life and self-esteem.
If Maris could be someone else for a day, she would choose to be a super beautiful woman, a supermodel, experiencing life in a healthy and beautiful body, without pain or worries. Maris also doubts her partner’s words when they say that she’s beautiful and nice.
If I could see more justice in the world,
I could dress even in snow white,
but as long as the world continues its gloomy journey,
there’s pitch-dark night around me,
and the robe is coal black.
-Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus-
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