
Marju on hakkaja naine, kel on palju huvisid, hobisid ja pikk karjäär. Ta on töötanud veebimoderaatorina suures meediaväljaandes ja ka õpetanud. Ta on aktiivne erivajadustega naiste seltsitegevuses. Marju elu on teismeliseast saadik mõjutanud liigestega seotud vaevused.
Ta õmbleb, teeb keraamikat ja õpetab päevakeskuses savitööd. Need hobid on väljund tema kunagisele unistusele kunstiülikoolis moekunsti õppida – toona jäi puudu enesekindlusest. Marju hobiks on ka näitlemine ja noorena harrastas ta pikki aastaid balletitantsu, mis on andnud hea rühi kogu eluks.
Marju usub, et on olnud julgelt ja avalikult karguga käies eeskujuks oma küla vanematele naistele, kes korraga hakkasid endale jalutuskeppe tellima. „Kui nii noor inimene nagu mina julgeb karguga käia, siis julgevad nemad ka,“ ütleb Marju.
Marju is an active woman who has many interests, hobbies, and a long career track.
She has worked as an online moderator in a major media outlet and has also worked as a teacher. Marju participates in club activities for disabled women. Her life has been affected by problems with joints since her teenage years.
Marju loves sewing and ceramics and teaches working with clay at the local day centre. These hobbies are an outlet for her earlier dream of studying fashion at the local art school, yet at the time she lacked confidence. In addition to that, Marju is involved in acting as a hobby. She practiced ballet dancing in her earlier years for a long time, which has given her a good posture for a lifetime.
Marju believes that she has been a role model for the older women living in her village, since she was out and proud usinga crutch on the street. The older women started to order walking sticks for their own use. ‘If a person as young as me dares to walk with a crutch, they will dare too,’ Marju says.
Galerii / Gallery


