
Olga on Ukraina sõja eest Eestisse põgenenud naine.
Hariduselt on ta õpetaja. Ukrainas õpetas ta lastele joonistamist, joonestamist ja käsitööd, seejärel töötas raamatukogus. Enam ta ei tööta, kuna operatsiooni tüsistuste ja insuldi tagajärjel ei saa ta käelisi tegevusi teha ning liigub kepi toel.
Olga ei tea täpselt, kauaks nad abikaasaga Eestisse jäävad. Ta ütleb, et praegu on Ukrainas ohtlik. Kui nende maja peaks pommitatama ja lift ei töötaks, ei pääseks Olga omal jõul 8. korruselt pommivarjendisse.
Ta tänab südamest eestlasi, kes nende pere soojalt vastu võtsid. Ta on Eesti eluga rahul, öeldes: „Keskkond on toetav ja turvaline. Meid aidati. Nii hotellides kui ka laeval olid tingimused head.“ Ta lisab: „Palun ärge unustage meid ja ärge unustage toimuvat sõda!“
Olga is a Ukrainian woman who fled to Estonia to escape the war. She is a teacher by profession. In Ukraine, she taught mechanical drawing, drawing and handicraft to children. Later, she worked at a library. These days, Olga is no longer able to work because complications from an operation and a stroke have left her unable to perform manual tasks and she relies on a cane to move around.
Uncertain of how long she and her husband will be staying in Estonia, Olga explains that it is currently too dangerous for her to return to Ukraine. She fears for her safety in case of a bombing, as the elevator in their 8th floor apartment could stop working, making it impossible for her to reach the bomb shelter alone.
She is deeply grateful to the Estonians who welcomed her family warmly. Olga is satisfied with life in Estonia, stating, ‘The environment is supportive and safe. We were helped, and the conditions both in the hotels and on the ship where we were staying were good.’ She adds, ‘Please do not forget us, and do not forget about the ongoing war!’
Galerii / Gallery
